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Women’s Wellbeing and Reproductive Health

On this page you will find information about the project, which is being run by Heeley Trust, Heeley Primary Care Network and SOHAS. It is funded by the VCSE Health and Wellbeing fund, part of a partnership programme between the Department of Health and Social Care, NHS England and UK Health Security Agency.

SOHAS’s work on the project involves providing advice to women on women’s wellbeing and productive health issues who live or work in Sheffield.

We can support SMEs on women’s work, wellbeing and reproductive health issues. Whether on a one-to-one basis or via meetings.

You can find information about the aims of the project and the work that is carried out by Heeley Trust and Heeley Primary Care Network here at:

How the SOHAS advice service works

The service is for women who are in employment, either at work or off sick whose wellbeing productive health issues are affecting their workplace health. We can give advice on a face to face basis at the SOHAS office, on Teams or Zoom or over the phone. The advice we give is free and confidential and we do contact your employer unless we have your consent to do so.

It’s easy to make an appointment to see an adviser, you can send a confidential message to us by clicking on this link or you can ring us on 0114 277 5760.

Advice sessions last for 45 minutes. There is no limit on how many advice sessions, and you can contact a SOHAS adviser whenever you want more support.

In the advice session, the adviser will ask you about the issues that are affecting your workplace health and give you some practical advice you can use at work. We can also advocate on your behalf with your employer if you wish us to do so. Our aim is to help you return to work after sickness absence or support you to stay at work.

How SOHAS can support SMEs on work, wellbeing, and reproductive health issues​

We can offer support to SMEs on work, wellbeing and reproductive health issues, whether on a one-to-one basis or via meetings, including:

  • Providing information on effective ways of how to support employees on wellbeing and reproductive health issues.
  • Helping organisations to implement policies and procedures on and around wellbeing and reproductive health issues.
  • Providing information on work, wellbeing and reproductive health issues including help they can get both locally and nationally
  • Events for both employees and employers on a range of related women’s wellbeing and reproductive health issues.

Quotes from people who have been helped by the project

“If it wasn’t for the SOHAS adviser, I wouldn’t be back at work. They supported me every step of the way and were always consistent and supportive with their advice.”

– Patient given advice on a women’s reproductive health issue and their return to work

Information on events and meetings

EventTime & DateVenueCost
Women’s wellbeing clinicOnce a month
Thursday 1st February
Heeley Green Community CentreFree
Women’s zumbaTuesdays during term time
Heeley Institute£1
Women’s weight trainingTuesdays during term time
U-Mix Centre£1
Women’s yogaWednesdays during term time
Highfield Trinity Church Free
Women’s swimmingFridays during term time
Heeley Pool£2 (prebooking required)
Women’s weights for wellbeingWednesdays 5.30pm – 6.30pmHeeley Green Community CentreFree
Mums, Bums, and Tums – for mums with babies 0-18 monthsFridays 9.45am – 10.45amHeeley Green Community CentreFree
Unlock your creativity Women’s confidence boosting course6 week blocktbctbc

Heeley Trust also have a number of regular events that they run for women. If you need anymore information please contact Heeley Trust:

General work and health resources

Click the below link to visit our resource list for if you need to get help and support on a wide range of mainly work-related issues, some are Sheffield specific.